After celebrating Thanksgiving, we reflect on all of our families, past, present and future, and we are grateful. It is a big responsibility that birth families have entrusted us to help place their child with an adoptive family. We’re honored and take this trust seriously. It is also fitting that a month of giving thanks is also National Adoption Month.
What started as a week of awareness, over 40 years ago, has grown into a month of education and celebration. The majority of the stories we share and see come from the perspective of birth parents and adoptive parents.

To grow our knowledge of adoption we must constantly be listening and learning. A great example of this the #FlipTheScript movement. This movement sought to bring awareness of adoption from the perspective of adult adoptees. For the first time their voices had a platform (Twitter) to be heard. They could share their stories whether it be joy, happiness, gratitude, sadness, frustration, loneliness, or confusion. It is time for the adoptees’ stories to become part of the adoption dialogue.
As we celebrate what we are thankful for this holiday season, we also encourage you to take a moment and listen to the voices of those who have been silent for decades. To learn more, please visit the links below.