The Untold Stories of AOI: Part 2 – Importance of Education


Dear Friends,

We are loving receiving family holiday cards in the mail and special gifts for our Birth Family Christmas Wishes. We hope you are continuing (or creating!) traditions with your child’s birth family.

As we take a look at the untold stories of Adoptions of Indiana, let’s talk about the importance of education.

Educating the general public about what adoption really looks like and what openness really means. We do this by participating in community events and taking calls daily with general questions about the adoption process.

Educating families interested in adoption through personal, FREE consultations. This year, we spent more than 250 hours getting to know 80+ families. We tell them who we are and what we value to determine if we are the best fit for them.

Educating healthcare providers and social workers about the importance of respectful adoption language. This year, we traveled the state, to nearly 25 locations, providing FREE professional training for women’s centers, OB/GYN staff and social workers.

Educating expectant women and their families about their rights. The right to openness, the right to counseling, the right to community and support, the right to select your baby’s adoptive parents and the right to be free from pressure as they make this important decision.

These education services are critical as we continue to change the culture of adoption, support birth moms and empower healthcare providers to ensure their patients are informed. The ONLY way this is possible, is through the support of our generous donors. We pride ourselves in offering quality education to families, professionals and women all across the state of Indiana and we appreciate your support to allow us to continue this important work.


Adoptions of Indiana

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