Adoptions of Indiana is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Federal Tax ID# 35-1956277.
No goods or services were received in consideration of this gift.
Why We Fundraise
It is the right of any expectant mother to choose to parent her child until the moment that consents are signed.
We believe in this right.
As a result, our staff are committed to educating expectant women about their rights and equipping them with the knowledge they need to make the best decision they can about the future of their unborn child. We call this Options Counseling.
Through the process of options counseling, expectant women are given the opportunity to carefully think through each possible outcome for themselves and their child, and make an informed choice. At times, this results in an expectant woman choosing to parent. This is a courageous decision.

So, while every conversation may not end in a decision to make an adoption plan, we still see this as a success. According to our mission: Adoptions of Indiana seeks to identify and meet the needs of adoptees and birth and adoptive families through compassionate and comprehensive adoption services. Since our goal and mission is not to maximize placements, we rely on donated funds to keep our doors open.
Your gifts set us apart as a nonprofit adoption agency, allowing us to be there in moments of crises. Your gifts help provide gas cards for women get to work, cell phones for women to coordinate prenatal care, and emergency housing for a woman and her family. Your gifts provide free options counseling and CHOICES for women who feel scared and alone.
Your gifts also allow us to assist families adopting a child with special needs. We sometimes work with expectant women who find out their child will be born with health concerns. This is obviously not news any parent wants to hear. if she decides to proceed with her adoption plan, donor funds allow us to offset additional fees the adoptive family may face relating to those special needs. This is a blessing to families who open their hearts and homes to a child who may face challenges for the rest of their lives.
We are so thankful to every donation that supports our mission. If you have additional questions about how your gift can impact the lives of expectant women in Indiana, please contact us at 317-574-8950.