Josh & Emily

Josh & Emily

Howdy! We are Josh and Emily, and we thank you for reading our profile. We have been in love and having fun for about 20 years together and would love to share our love and fun with a child. We live on the southside of Indianapolis. Josh works with AI and machine learning as a data scientist and Emily is a children’s librarian at a public library. We are excited to expand our family!

About Us

We met by chance when two of our friends brought us to a swing dancing night. Neither of us knew how to dance, but we partnered up for a lesson at the start of the evening and by the end, we had talked for hours! The rest was history (and we still don’t know how to dance!). We were married three years later, in 2005. We make each other laugh daily and give each other unconditional love and support. Josh was born in Fort Wayne, but grew up on the east side of Indy, and Emily moved around as a child (Phoenix, AZ; Atlanta, GA; and Jasper, IN), but ended up going to college in Indianapolis. We are grateful to have lots of family and friends in town as well as across the country who are so supportive and ready to welcome a child with us.

Our Values

We believe in meeting the world with kindness, empathy, and humor; accepting and appreciating others for who they are; and using our own self-knowledge to be authentic and true to our own values. We believe each child is their own person, deserving of respect and love, and our job as parents is to give them all the tools they need to become fully themselves. We embrace silliness and big feelings, give space for trying new things and not always getting it right, while providing structure and stability to feel grounded and safe. We celebrate uniqueness. We believe that we, and the world, are better when we learn about and appreciate differences, rather than being afraid or pretending they aren’t there. Our close family includes LGBT members, and we love and embrace them fully.

Family Traditions

• Although we enjoy time with extended family with traditional food and gift-giving around the holidays, we try to keep Christmas Day to ourselves. We love to get Chinese takeout, stay in our pajamas all day and read and watch movies or TV. (One year, we watched the whole Lord of the Rings extended trilogy!)
• St. Nick’s Day is December 8th, and growing up, Emily’s family always put out stockings the night before. To this day, Emily’s parents mail a little care package “from St. Nick” to Emily, Josh, and her siblings. We look forward to carrying on this tradition in our family.
• For birthdays, Emily likes to make dinner and the dessert that the birthday person requests. Josh always requests the same meal, Emily’s brother, Dom (who also lives in Indy), tries something different each year. When it’s Emily’s birthday, we go out to eat!
• We eat dinner together nearly every night of the week. It’s an important time for both of us to share what we experienced during the day. As our family grows, we look forward to extending this as a way to enjoy life through our child’s eyes and connect with their experiences.

Our Home

Our home represents us in many ways. We were attracted to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1950’s. We have a large fenced backyard, which we use to play games each summer (ladder golf, ring toss, cornhole, giant Jenga, Kubb, etc.). We have landscaping with lots of plants, rocks, and multiple mature trees making it perfect for adventures. This also attracts lots of wildlife to watch. Since we don’t have pets, families of squirrels, chipmunks and birds feel safe making their homes there – we’ve even seen raccoons, rabbits, opossums, groundhogs, and foxes visiting! The inside of our house is decorated with things that either we or our friends have made. Each room is decorated differently. Our favorite room is the sunroom, which is filled with plants. We have over a thousand books in our personal “library.” We look forward to changing how our house looks and feels by incorporating the growing and changing uniqueness and identity of a child. Just as our home represents us, we want that to change to represent our whole family! We’re also fortunate to live close to Josh’s family, Emily’s brother, and friends around the city. Our loved ones who live out of town are also looking forward to visiting and supporting us.

About Josh (by Emily)

I feel so lucky to be with Josh. He is funny and interesting and likes to make me laugh. He is kind and caring, often going above and beyond to take care of his team at work, his friends, his family, and me. I appreciate that he is genuine and honest and we have great talks. He has excellent taste in music and movies, and I love that we can have fun anywhere – hiking, enjoying a new restaurant, traveling and exploring a new city, or just hanging out while reading together. I love that we have been our honest, nerdy, somewhat socially-awkward selves since the very beginning. Josh also is a very visual person and has a great, creative eye. He takes the lead in decorating our spaces and I’m always amazed at how unique and harmonious it turns out.

I remember when our nieces and nephew were young, Josh was the favorite uncle because he would spin them around and around in the backyard whenever we had a family get-together. He was always able to make the babies laugh by making funny faces and playing little games with them, too. Josh is going to be a great father, with lots of love and humor to share. I feel like his life experiences have given him a lot of empathy and understanding for life’s ups and downs, and he’s going to be a loving resource for a child.

About Emily (by Josh)

I was told I only get a paragraph to describe all the things that make Emily so wonderful. Quite the challenge! She is patient and kind. She tries to see the best in people and treat everyone with compassion. This may be with challenging opinions, friends, family, or even me. We have periodic arguments, as all couples do, but she will always try to see it from my perspective, whether she agrees with it or not. She’s brave. Emily decided a few years back, she wanted to be more adventurous and outgoing; these are things outside of her comfort zone, but things she knew were important to her. She has made efforts to understand herself in order to become the person she wants to be. She has accomplished so much through self-love and the support of those around her! It has been an inspiration to me. She’s creative. She expresses this creativity in many ways. Through music, preparing for early literacy programs, or simply thoughtful insights about our mutual experiences in life. She almost always wins at games. Okay, I take that one back as something I admire about her. Don’t challenge her at yard games or darts! (You can let me win a few times, Emily!) Joking aside, I am, without doubt, a better person in so many ways because she is in my life as an adult. The impact she will make as a patient, kind, brave, and creative mother will be such a gift to whomever receives it (but not in yard games…she will NOT hold back).


Josh’s mother became pregnant in high school. She decided to place the child for adoption. It was a challenging choice for her. It was a closed adoption and she only regained contact with her birth child, Anne, more than thirty years later. Anne has been a part of our lives ever since. Both of their experiences have been very influential in our views of adoption and our desire for full openness between birth mother and child. We were attracted to Adoptions of Indiana because of their respect and centering of the birth family, and their support for openness. We respect the birth family’s wishes and look forward to working with you to forge a relationship that works for everyone.


We thank you for reading our profile and considering us. We are ready to open our hearts to a child, but we also have a lot of care for that child’s birth family. We want to extend loving openness in whatever way is most comfortable for you. Having a child involves a lot of change and we understand that it involves more than just us. Please know that your needs and wishes will be a part of our journey. We wish you all the best no matter what.

No updates at this time.


  • As a librarian, I’ve worked with lots of different age groups – teens, elementary age, preschoolers, and currently I work with the “itty bitties” – babies and toddlers. Every group has been fun, and I love the kids and families I get to see every week. As an early literacy specialist, I share fun and easy ways caregivers can help their kids with the skills they need to succeed at reading later.
  • Of course, I do a lot of reading! I actually read a lot of children’s picture books each year, both for my own enjoyment and for work, and the rest of the time, I enjoy a little of everything else – nonfiction, fantasy, sci-fi, realistic, historical, humor, memoirs. Authors and illustrators are my rock stars.
  • I am a casual ukulele player and meet up with uke friends from around the country a couple times a year at campouts and festivals. I’ve played and sung with groups and at open mics, though I’m far from professional. Making music with friends is the best!
  • Josh and I both like to try foods from around the world. I’m an adventurous eater and I also like to cook and bake. It’s satisfying to try a new recipe and it turns out better than you expected! (There are occasional duds, too, but not as often!)
  • When I was in college I had the opportunity to spend a semester in France. I didn’t go with anyone I knew and it was scary and exciting and one of the best experiences. I made friends from many countries and learned so much beyond the language.
  • For various reasons, I moved around a lot as a kid. I went to five different schools K-12, with the most change from 6th-9th grade, when I went to a different school each year. It wasn’t always easy, but I learned how to make friends and adapt, and I’m grateful to have experienced both big city and rural life.
  • I’m a “maker!” I enjoy crafting and have tried many different things, like knitting, crochet, embroidery, cross stitch, stained glass, macrame, sewing, painting, drawing, gardening. I like learning new ways of being creative. It’s so fun to share simple arts and crafts projects with my little ones at the library, too.
  • In college, I volunteered to be an usher at the theater near me so I could see shows for free. I saw lots of musicals, plays, concerts, dance, and comedy shows that way. It was cool because I went to some things I would not have chosen on my own, but ended up really enjoying.
  • I once helped set a world record of the most number of people simultaneously doing Michael Jackson’s Thriller dance. We taught it at the library and dressed up as zombies, then joined groups around the world dancing at the exact same time.
  • I enjoy doing yoga and try to make a little time for it every day. It’s both a physical practice as well as a calming and grounding one.


  • I listen to music almost constantly when I’m awake. When I’m working, relaxing, cleaning, eating… At one point I had over a thousand CDs. According to my Spotify Wrapped summary, I listened to music over one hundred thousand minutes last year! I listen to a diverse range of music from almost all genres except country. I never could get into it.
  • I really enjoy comic books. One of my favorite comic book series is Sandman. I even worked at a comic book shop for a few years in college. I used to collect Batman action figures and have over 200 of them.
  • I really like science experiments. Things like showing my nieces how to launch a plastic bottle into the air and sand that stays dry even under water. But also things for myself like tesla coils and miniature heat-powered engines. One of my early memories is my dad showing me that static electricity makes sparks in the dark. It was like real magic! I’ve been fascinated by science all around us and the universe ever since.
  • The main things I look for in a great vacation are the opportunity to experience nature, good museums (especially art!), and great food. It’s an added bonus to be surrounded by a new and different culture when traveling internationally. I love experiencing how people in this world can be so different and so similar at the same time.
  • Emily and I were dating while she was studying abroad in France for a semester. Long distance relationships are hard! International communication was expensive at the time. I wanted to create shared experiences despite the distance so I frequently mailed her burned CDs with music for some tracks and others of me talking about my day or whatever was on my mind at the time.
  • I love to craft and create home decor. I often combine the two. Many of the decorations in our house are things I’ve made. I spent a lot of time at work in front of a computer so it feels really great to both use my hands to make something and express myself. Recent things I’ve worked on are wood art, stained glass, and pressed flowers.
  • I used to be very intimidated by public speaking. It’s now an important part of what I do for work. I may be speaking in front of 5 people or 500. I’ve gotten good at it! It has been rewarding to overcome that intimidation.
  • My father was a master of reusing leftovers to create entirely new dishes. That skill has been passed to me and I’m good at cooking with whatever is around. I’m especially great at transforming things from last night’s dinner into breakfast.
  • I collect pop-up books. The paper engineering and intricacy fascinates me.
  • I’m a big nerd at heart (previously working at a comic book shop might have been a clue). I love comics, video games, and role playing games. It’s something I really look forward to sharing with a child. Perhaps it will become a shared interest for us!