30th Annivesary Celebration

Mark your calendars for Adoptions of Indiana’s 30th Anniversary Celebration. Brunch will be provided as well as kid-friendly activities. We’re planning for a super fun time for families to celebrate AOI’s 30 years of service. We hope to see you all there!
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, July 26th, 2025 @ 10:00am, taking place at Bash
More details to come!
Post-Adoption Education
4 consecutive Saturdays: September 13, 20, 27, October 4, 2025.
Nearly all adopted children are asked questions about adoption by friends, relatives, neighbors, classmates, and strangers. Children, especially those ages 7-11 need to be prepared to handle these challenging moments. Adoptions of Indiana can help them learn how to respond to these questions through fun adoption related activities designed especially for this age group. One parent session included. Group meets in person at Adoptions of Indiana.
Cost: $150.00
Monday, September 15, 2025 6-7:30p, via Zoom
$35/couple. $25/single.
As children enter early elementary school, they enter the next phase of development in their understanding of adoption. This group will discuss the child development that occurs during this time period and how it affects a child’s understanding of adoption. We will also discuss how this creates the need for more specific and detailed adoption story discussions. The goal is to provide the parent with a better understanding of how to talk about adoption, as well as what to say to their child even with difficult topics.
Monday June 2, 2025 6:00-7:30p, via Zoom. $35/couple. $25/single.
Pre-school children are curious about the world around them. This class offers the opportunity to develop your skills in talking about adoption with your child and lay the groundwork for future conversations.
Read FOUND: Adopted Friends Search for their Birth Families by Trish Diggins and Sherri Craig-Evans and join us for a discussion via Zoom on Monday, March 17 6:30-8p
No Cost.
Allison Montgomery, LCSW
As part of normal and healthy development, all teens grapple with their identity. Adopted teens face additional challenges in reconciling who they are with the uncertainties in their history. This group is for teens and offers guidance as we empower and equip them to handle the issues and questions that arise from their personal adoption story while they learn who they are as individuals.
Family Meet Ups

Roots and Rays Studio
- When: Sunday, April 27th, 3pm-4:30pm
- Where: Adoptions of Indiana 1980 E. 116th St., Suite 325, Carmel, IN 46032
There are currently no scheudled Family Meet Ups, but stay tuned for more Family Meet Ups to come!

Stuckey Farms
Our Stucky Farm AOI Fall Family Get Together was such fun! We hope to see everyone at our next AOI Family Meet-Up!

July 13th 3-4:30pm at Adoptions of Indiana
AOI graciously accepts donations to help cover the cost for our Kindermusik class. Click here to Make a donation. Thank You!

Indianapolis Indians Baseball Game
AOI Family and Friends Event:
Indians VS Pittsburg Pirates May 19th
1:30pm Eastern (Gates open 12:30pm Eastern)
Infield tickets are $13/ea. Gather in the infield with AOI friends and families. Look for the bright pink blankets!
Catch the stars of tomorrow today at Victory Field! The Indians will wear jerseys designed in the spirit of our MLB parent club, the Pittsburgh Pirates, and the Pirates Pierogies from Pittsburgh’s PNC Park will be at the Vic to enhance in-game entertainment. | Presented By Hoosier Lottery
Promotion: Sunday Characters with Villain Kids
Bring out your sons, daughters and grandchildren to meet the descendants of Disney Villains, the Villain Kids! Fans may meet the characters before and during the game in the Center Field Plaza. | Presented By MHS
Indy Pride Parade

Each June we have a wonderful time supporting our AOI families, friends, and allies walking as a group in the Indy Pride Parade.
Please call 317-574-8950 or email info@adoptionsofindiana.org if you’d like to show your support for the LGBTQ+ community by joining our 2025 team.

We would like to invite you to join Adoptions of Indiana in our partnership with Ashley Mitchell and her program “Knee to Knee” for a full day workshop, learning how to establish an ethical care network for birth mothers who have chosen adoption. RSVP registration coming soon.
- When: Wednesday, July 10th from 9 AM to 3 PM
- Where: Carmel Christian Church (463 E. Main Street Carmel, IN 46032)
- What: A workshop dedicated to increase ethical care, knowledge, and resources for birth mothers.
- Why: Helping professionals have a deeper understanding of the birth mother experience.