“Stephanie”, a young mother of three, contacted our office after she learned she was pregnant with her fourth baby. Stephanie was already so in love with this child, but struggling to figure out how to provide for a new baby. We met with Stephanie, discussed her legal rights, her options and the resources available to her and her family. Stephanie ultimately decided she had the support and resources available to raise this little boy or girl. We were happy to be a part of her family’s story, no matter what choice she made.
A few months later, Stephanie reached out again. After some complications with work, housing and finances, she was again wondering if adoption might be the best choice for her family. Not only did she want the best for this baby, but she also wanted the best for the three children she was parenting. When she had to return some baby items in order to purchase school clothes for her older kids, she knew that she wanted to look at profiles of waiting families. Stephanie chose a family she wanted to meet and we were thrilled when they hit it off right away. Through options counseling and the difficult choices Stephanie made, a beautiful family has been built and continues to develop as they spend more time together.
Pregnancy Options Counseling does not make this decision easy; but with AOI, it is the first step for an expectant woman considering adoption. At Adoptions of Indiana, our counselors assist and support women through this critical decision-making process with total privacy. Our staff offer a caring and non-judgmental environment where women can ask questions, learn their rights, be linked to resources for prenatal care and health insurance, and evaluate what’s best for themselves and their child. It is our mission to provide women with a comfortable and safe place to talk about their options and gather useful information, support, and guidance through their decision-making process. Our social workers are available to her 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Interested in learning more about what options counseling includes? Click here!
AOI Family Spotlight:
Meet Amy, Rustin, Eliza & June! They shared their family’s adoption story with us:

“In March of 2016, we had our first meeting with Amy at Adoptions of Indiana. We decided to pursue adoption after four years unsuccessfully trying to conceive on our own. We felt such peace with our decision when we began working with AOI. From the very beginning, they were so encouraging and honest with what adoption looked like. And when we struggled with the waiting process they were there in the best way to help us navigate our feelings and encourage us with continuing towards our family. We were chosen by an incredible birth mom in January 2017 who wanted us to parent her little girl. Our daughter was born three short weeks later with Amy and Jennifer waiting with us in the hospital the entire day. I cannot imagine going through the adoption process without the amazing people at AOI and the incredible education we received. Every person we came in contact with at Adoptions of Indiana was child-centered and focused on doing the best thing for Eliza’s birth mother. We have had a different story in terms of our relationship with Eliza’s birth mother and even three years later they have been there to help us navigate the process. We are immeasurably grateful for the people at Adoptions of Indiana for helping us create our beautiful family.”
We are so happy to be a part of your beautiful story. Thank you for being part of the AOI family!
If you are interested in sharing your family’s story, please click here for more information.

In celebration of our 25th anniversary, we are so excited to host an AOI Family Fun Day! Mark your calendar for Sunday, June 7 from 1-5 pm at The Freedom Barn! We are planning an afternoon of activities for all ages, food and, of course, community!
This is a perfect opportunity to gather friends, birth & adoptive families and neighbors for an afternoon to celebrate 25 years of serving Indiana families. Planned activities include a bounce house, face painting, live entertainment, balloon artist, food, crafts and more!
This is the perfect opportunity to schedule a visit! Save the date and stay tuned for ticketing information! If you have any questions or would like to help, please reach out to Amber at
We hope to see you there!