
Hello!  My name is Heather.  Thank you for clicking on my profile!  My dog, Ruby, and I live in a small town in southern Indiana where I am a pediatrician who gets to help children feel better and help them monitor their mental and physical well-being.  I have always loved spending time with children and am fascinated by their development, their personalities, their sense of humor, and their honesty.  I’m incredibly lucky to spend the day with my sweet little patients, but I’ve always wanted to share my love, my home, and my life with a child of my own.  When a “Mr. Right” partner didn’t come along, I realized that I am emotionally, physically, and financially able to raise a child as a single mom with the loving support of my family and friends. If you would like to learn more about me, please read on!

About Me

As a pediatrician, I love spending my day with children of all ages. I work in an outpatient office, but also help staff our hospital nursery (where I get a few baby snuggles in). In addition to the common newborn health issues, I also have a lot of experience with infants with exposure to drugs like marijuana, pain pills, and methamphetamine. I have had the honor of watching these infants succeed and grow with the appropriate support and early interventions. My outpatient office team includes 6 amazing women who really make our office fun, welcoming, and efficient. They have become a supportive family of working mothers who encourage one another, share parenting tips, and fill the office with laughter.

My hobbies include traveling, reading, playing the piano, singing, shopping, watching my nieces’ sports activities, playing board games, and watching game shows and reality competition shows (Survivor, Big Brother, etc).

What Her Friend/Coworker Says about Her

“Heather’s strength is definitely her kindness and generosity. She helps others so much that she will sometimes put their needs before her own. Another strength is her love for children. She is wonderful with all the children that she comes across in life.

Heather relates to children so well. One time, she decided to have an Easter egg hunt with our kids. She meticulously placed eggs for every child. The eggs contained tokens to be exchanged at her pop-up shop for prizes that she had personally picked out for each kid. They had so much fun. I grew up with a mother who always interacted with my siblings and me in a similar way, and Heather has that same quality.

She is very open-minded. She accepts all people for who they are. She can joke around with anyone and have a good time. She is also brilliant. She is literally the smartest person I know. She keeps up with current events, whether it be the economy, politics, worldly news, or pop culture and entertainment.”

My Home and Community

I live in a 2 story house with a big yard and mature trees. It is located in a subdivision that lies next to a nature preserve with nice walking paths. On a typical evening, there are lots of families playing outside or walking their dogs. One of my best friends lives nearby, and their family loves hosting most of our community’s social events, including a huge July 4th party every year.

Our small town offers a safe, rural environment to raise a family. We have several nice parks and multiple festivals throughout the year, and the Main Street is lined with several quaint shops. The area offers many children’s sports team options, a bouncy house gym, a busy public pool, and great schools.

My Family and Friends

I’m very lucky to have incredibly supportive, kind, and generous parents, and they are truly my best friends. My dad is a retired elementary school teacher, and my mom retired as a school speech pathologist. They have been married almost 50 years and live about 45 minutes away, around my grandparents’ farm. I talk to them every evening on my way home from work, and I see them about once a week. I hope to be a good mom, but I know my parents are already the BEST grandparents. They absolutely dote on their granddaughters and attend as many of their activities as possible (even from 2 hours away).

My brother, sister-in-law, and 3 nieces live north of Indianapolis. My nieces are 18, 15, and 13 years old and are my biggest blessing! I talk to them frequently throughout the week and on social media. They always feel comfortable calling me if they need medical advice, entertainment, or to vent. They are each so unique, and I love watching them develop and grow. Being an aunt has been my favorite role thus far!

In addition to my family, I have a great group of friends. Two of my office nurses are my best friends. We work together all day, text funny memes in the evening, and hang out with their families when time allows on the weekends. Combined, they have 5 young children, and I love spoiling them and am often found playing with them instead of the adults at our get-togethers. I’m also still close to my group of 6 high school girlfriends. Most of them still live in the nearby area, and we try to have dinner at least a few times a year and keep an active text group going.

My Traditions

  • Christmas: My extended family is known for bright Christmas light displays. My grandpa started this, and it grew when each of his sons built houses on the same road. My grandpa made life-size wooden snowmen with each of our names to put in the yard, and it exploded from there. People travel to their little road in the country to see these lights every year.
  • Fourth of July: Our neighborhood has a growing party every year with food, water balloons, and a long firework display. My favorite part is the makeshift parade of decorated cars, golf carts, and bicycles around the subdivision!
  • Vacations: I love traveling with my parents and my brother’s family every year. We’ve been to Disney World, Universal Studios, Gatlinburg, Holiday World, and Frankenmuth, Michigan for the world’s largest Christmas store! This year, we were all finally able to go on a Caribbean cruise (despite my brother saying he would never go), and we all had a blast and can’t wait to go again!

My Values

I hope to provide a safe, stable, and loving home for my family that is filled with laughter and memories. I promise to provide all the educational resources for a child to be able to explore their interests. My goal is to raise a kind human who is honest and generous by trying to model those qualities myself. I will work to keep an open and truthful environment for them so that they always feel comfortable asking questions, whether it is about their birth story, their feelings, or their bodies.


Thank you for taking the time to read my profile. I can only imagine how difficult and emotional this decision must be. By working hard to create a supportive and happy life for this baby, I hope to honor your noble and selfless decision of putting the child’s needs above everything else. I also want this child to always feel a connection to you in a way that you are comfortable (e.g. letters, pictures, social media, etc). I look forward to learning more about you and your journey!

No updates at this time.


  • I love miniature things! One of my most prized possessions is a large dollhouse that my grandfather built and my mom decorated.
  • Gift giving is my love language. I really enjoy finding unique, personalized gifts for the people in my life.  (Thank goodness for Amazon!).
  • I’m known for my love of sparkles. I have developed a colorful collection of glittery shoes that often draw people’s attention and make my patients smile. 
  • Traveling is my stress reliever! My favorite mode of transportation is by cruise boat, and my favorite destination thus far is Alaska! 
  • A few years ago, I solidified my status of “Cool Aunt” when I bought a red convertible. As much as I enjoy it, I will be thrilled to have to trade it in for a minivan someday.
  • My entire family loves all things Disney! The movies, the characters, and the amusement parks all help bring out my carefree, childlike side. 
  • I do not know if I give off a nurturing, maternal vibe or am just responsibly boring, but I’ve had two different friend groups nickname me as “Mom.”
  • Broadway music is my jam. Wicked is my favorite musical, and it gives me goosebumps every time I see it! 
  • If I wasn’t a doctor, I would probably be a wedding coordinator or a travel agent. I love planning things and making lists for exciting events!
  • I’m typically a pretty calm person, but put me into a good board game and my competitive, strategic side emerges! My nieces and I love playing “Dutch Blitz,” which is a fast-paced card game that can get pretty intense!


  • My name is Ruby because I had dark red fur when I was a baby, but the joke’s on my mom because now I’m a light strawberry blonde.
  • I truly have the best grandparents! My mom uses this word “spoiled” when they get me a McDonald’s hamburger, but I think she means “loved”.  I get so excited when I go visit their house in the country! 
  • I also love my 3 two-legged human cousins! They give the best belly rubs, they take me on walks, and they are pretty generous with the treats.  I currently tolerate their 2 four-legged brothers, but they are growing on me.
  • I spend the day sitting on my bean bag throne patrolling the backyard through the window. Not to brag, but I protect my mom from numerous bunnies, birds, neighborhood cats, and blowing trees every day. 
  • My mom has told me that I might get a baby brother or sister, so I picked out a toy that looks like me to give to him/her. I’m hopeful for an increase in yummy crumbs on the floor in my future!