Patrick & Kelley

Patrick & Kelley

Hello! We are Patrick and Kelley, friends turned husband and wife. We have two Shih Tzu sister pups named Lucy and Katie. We have been married for over 8 years of the 17 that we have been together. Patrick is an industrial electrician while Kelley is an office manager for an agricultural company. As a couple, we are easy-going, silly-natured, and fun-loving. We enjoy spending time with our family, friends, and taking our fur-babies for walks. We enjoy trying out new restaurants as well as new recipes at home. We love to travel and usually take a week vacation for our anniversary. We also love outdoor activities that include hiking and kayaking. We appreciate you taking the time to consider getting to know us and look forward to getting to know you as well.

We first met when Kelley became friends with Patrick’s brother while they were in high school. She played matchmaker and introduced his brother to her close friend, and it turned out well as they are now married (with 2 grown daughters). Patrick and Kelley were friends for nearly 15 years before we both realized we had feelings for one another, but at the same time worried how moving forward would affect our friendship. Needless to say, we took the leap, kissed on New Year’s Eve, and the rest is history. We love spending time with each other and making as many memories as possible. One of the main reasons our marriage works well is that we recognize that no one is perfect. We work together as teammates in good times and trying situations. We also try our best to never go to sleep upset with each other.

Patrick about Kelley:

The first time I heard Kelley laugh she completely stole my heart. She has one of those infectious laughs where even if you didn’t hear the joke, you have no choice but to join in. The love and kindness that she shows towards myself, and others, makes me appreciate her more and more every day. Kelley is a wonderful cook and makes some of the best salmon I have ever tasted, and I’ve tasted quite a lot. She knows how to work a stove just as well as she can the outdoor grill and tries to teach me along the way.

Not only does her face light up anytime she is around a baby, but you should also see her around animals. If there is a party and a baby or a dog is present, that is where she will spend most of her time. She is extremely funny; she is someone who could put the “fun” in a “funeral”. Kelley is in her happy place when she is cleaning and organizing. She has taught me so much on so many levels and really makes our house into a home in every way possible.

Kelley about Patrick:

Patrick is the most honest, trustworthy, laid-back person I have ever met. He makes me smile and laugh every day. He has always been and continues to be my rock in life. If there is something upsetting me, he has a way of taking that stress off of me and onto himself, and then just lets it run right off his back. He accepts and loves all my quirks and slight OCD ways. He is an excellent fur-dad to our pups. The way he cares for them and talks with them, just like children, is honestly the most adorable thing ever!

He is the best uncle to our nieces. His brothers are complete role models for him, and I adore that about him. There isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his mother or our families in general. Patrick is a friend to everyone that knows him. He is quick-witted, which speaks to my heart on a whole different level. Overall, he truly helps me to be the best version of myself that I can be.


Lucy (a.k.a. Lucy-Lou or Lucy-fur) is a 10-and-a-half-year-old Shih Tzu. She is the most loveable pup and gives the best snuggles around. She loves attention but is also just as content to chill out on the couch and take in everything going on around her. She would be a perfect support dog for anyone that stops breathing because if you hold your breath around her, she starts to whine and whimper and let people know something isn’t right. She is healthy, but is also a chunky butt because she hasn’t had a meal that she doesn’t love. Her favorite activity is to sunbathe on the back porch while watching the neighborhood bunnies run around.


Katie (a.k.a. Katherine or Katie-did) is Lucy’s youngest sister. They were from a litter of 14 where Katie was the runt. When she was a baby, she needed a little more attention because she didn’t have as many nutrients as her brothers or sisters, and we almost lost her a couple of times. As she grew older, she flourished and became the powerhouse of our home. Even with our past pups, which were Siberian Huskies, she ran the house! Or we let her think she did. Wherever Kelley is, Katie is. Kelley likes to always say, “the umbilical cord isn’t detached yet with this one!”

Our Support:

We have an incredible support system from both family and friends. We are all very close and everyone looks out for one another. When someone needs help with anything, no matter how small or large, they are the first to step up and offer their help. We are all there to share the good times as well as any bad times. We have all been there to celebrate marriages, births, graduations, and even in mourning all the lives of those we’ve lost along the way. We have both come from very large family backgrounds that have shaped who we have become as adults. Without those connections, we wouldn’t be the people we are. The love and support of our families have really become the foundation of how we want to raise our own children.

Our Community:

We live in a quiet suburban neighborhood close to the school system. We also live relatively close to the beach, many hiking trails, and two different universities. Our home sits on a half-acre lot and has a large fenced-in backyard for plenty of outdoor activities for kids as well as our fur-babies. Our home is close enough to Chicago that we can indulge in one of our favorite traditions, which is to travel by train to see all the Christmas lights, festivals, White Sox baseballs games, and museums as much we can.

We have the kindest neighbors who are always willing to lend us a hand if we ever need it. One of our neighbors is elderly and we like to share meals together out on the back porch in the summertime. He is known as the neighborhood farmer because he has a large vegetable garden he tends and then makes his way up and down the street with a wagon passing out vegetables to all the neighbors. Because we are his favorites, we always get the first pick! Our neighbors across the street are always willing to help when needed, and vice versa, even if it is to grab the mail while on vacation for each other. Our neighbors on the other side of our house have two daughters who love to ride their bikes throughout the neighborhood and have lemonade stands in the summer. We share cookouts in the summertime and always at least one dessert during the holidays. We all share and take turns plowing each other’s driveways of snow; it’s usually a race to see who gets the snow blower out of the garage first!

Our Values:

One of our main goals as adoptive parents is to provide a loving, stable, nurturing home for a child. We hope to be able to fill them with self-confidence and be there to guide them into becoming emotionally, physically, and financially stable adults. We believe anything is possible if given the right tools to succeed in life. And we want to be able to be those parents for a child.

Because we feel we have great senses of humor, we want to make sure a child not only feels fiercely loved, but also be able to help bring out their unique personality traits. We want to provide every opportunity for a child to explore all their interests and talents and be well-rounded individuals who care about others and their community.

While Kelley was raised and brought up in the Catholic faith, Patrick was not. We attend church but not on a regular basis. While there are a lot of beliefs within the religion that we don’t agree with, this doesn’t deter us from believing in God and being a good people. We want our children to grow up with a good foundation but also to know that we will respect if their choice of faith is different than ours.


We want you to know that after years of infertility, we chose adoption because we feel we would make wonderful parents and have a lot to offer a child. Our relationship has grown stronger because of everything we have gone through.


Our home is open and ready for a baby. We hope to have a relationship with you; raising a child to know that they have not only adoptive, but biological families who want the best in life for them and their future.

No updates at this time


  • I have always loved Legos even as an adult; I have built a 6,000 piece Star Wars Star Destroyer.
  • I love trying as many different spicy foods I can; the Habanero flavored chicken wings at Wings, etc. restaurant is one of the spiciest!
  • I love to go on hikes.
  • Mowing the grass while listening to music relaxes me.
  • I love the month of December because of my birthday and Christmas.
  • I love working out in our home gym.
  • My brothers gave me my middle name which ended up being my nickname, Buzz (after Buzz Aldrin the astronaut).
  • I love my Air Fryer and trying out new recipes; my favorite is Tomato Basil Chicken.
  • The Back to the Future trilogy are my favorite movies because my mom used to watch them with me as a kid when I had childhood asthma.
  • My Dream vacation is LEGOLAND in California.


  • I love all water activities, especially Kayaking.
  • I am obsessed with dogs, the fluffier the better.
  • My favorite author to read is Nora Roberts; I have most of her collection.
  • I love watching all types of documentaries and Harry Potter movies.
  • My favorite holiday has always been Halloween. When I was younger, we had a screen door with bars on it and we could take out the glass sections. I dressed as a Werewolf and acted as if it were my cage and would pass out candy to all the neighborhood kids that came. I love the thrill that Halloween brings.
  • My brothers named me after their kindergarten crush they shared.
  • I treat my dogs like people, including dressing them up in outfits.
  • I played matchmaker for my two best friends in high school, and they ended up being my brother and sister-in-law.
  • I love to refurbish old furniture and any DIY projects in general. Last summer, I built a backyard couch and chair set out of used scraps from our fence.
  • My Dream vacation is to someday travel to Australia or Greece.


  • Snuggles and smooches are my trademark.
  • I am known as the head of the neighborhood watch program, at least on my street.
  • I become a “south paw” when I stretch.
  • I fall asleep while being a bobblehead.
  • Mom keeps buying Scrunchies and I keep taking them for myself.
  • I’m afraid of steps and I make my mom or dad carry me.
  • I sway my hips when I walk, and it looks like I’m walking the runway.


  • When I smile, I look like Elvis.
  • I refuse to eat anything that isn’t soft on my teeth.
  • I am attached to mom; even while she is trying to take a bath.
  • I can only sleep soundly if I’m snuggled between mom and dad’s heads.
  • I’m very vocal and have a lot to say.
  • I love to do Yoga after eating and working out with mom and dad in our gym.
  • Belching is my favorite thing to do.