Tony & Krysta

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Tony & Krysta

Hi there! We are Krysta and Tony, and we’re very excited to meet you! We met about seven years ago when we both started working at the same place. We quickly discovered that we share many of the same interests and passions, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. Krysta’s originally from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada but has lived in the United States since she was six. She recently opened a piano studio in our home and teaches private piano lessons full time. Tony grew up in Northern Indiana, not too far from where we live now. He works in marketing for a financial organization in the area.

Tony (according to Krysta)

The world needs more Tonys in it. He is the most genuinely kind person I have ever known, and as cliché as it sounds, he makes me want to be a better person every day. He is slow to judge, preferring to listen to, talk with, and get to know someone rather than make assumptions about them. He is also great at encouraging people to be who they are and express themselves in a way that feels comfortable to them. He is endlessly patient, which is just one reason he is an incredible father. The thing I love watching most is Tony’s interactions with Maggie – whether he’s playing a game with her, reading books to her, or carrying her when she’s tired of walking – he brings a mix of patience, encouragement, and genuine love to all his interactions with her. There is, truly, nobody else with whom I would rather parent a child!

Krysta (according to Tony)

It’s difficult to sufficiently communicate who Krysta is in only a few sentences. From very early on in our relationship, I knew she was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Whenever I express a hope or dream, she is fully behind me. She has a passion and love for life that I haven’t encountered with anyone else. Anything that she cares about, she puts all of her energy into. She’s also wise beyond her years. She isn’t always a very talkative person, but when she has something to say, people listen because they know it will be worth hearing. I can’t imagine a better partner or co-parent. Krysta is so loving, patient, and understanding in all her interactions with Maggie. She has an ability to create an environment that is safe and nurturing, allowing Maggie to explore and learn while having fun. Watching her interact with Maggie inspires me to be the best partner and father I can be.

Our Family

In May of 2020, we became parents when we adopted Maggie. It has been amazing to watch Maggie blossom into the person she is meant to be and to help this tiny person discover the world. When the weather’s warm, we love to go to local playgrounds or splash pads, or find a trail to walk. We’re also members at the local zoo, so we visit there often. When we’re there, Maggie loves to feed the goats and ride the train. During colder months, we spend time baking and cooking, building with blocks, reading, playing games, and visiting the local library.

Krysta’s parents are a huge part of our lives, and Maggie adores them. They live about an hour away, and we get together a couple times a month. They’re always willing to make the drive or have us over if we need them or if Maggie asks them to come over.

Our Community

We have the most amazing friends! The community we’ve built around us has been endlessly supportive through all of life’s ups and downs. From babysitting Maggie so we can have a date night, to inviting us over for meals, we are so very lucky to have the friends we have. One of the families we’ve gotten to know over the past couple of years is another AOI adoptive family! Their son is about a year younger than Maggie, and they love playing together.

We love our neighborhood! People are always out walking and riding their bikes. There are so many other kids on our street, too. Whenever we need something to do, we can head out for a walk, and there’s a good chance we’ll run into some neighbors outside playing in the yard.


In our family we value honesty and openness, and we try to foster those things in our relationship with Maggie. We constantly work to make sure she knows that her feelings and experiences are valid and worthy of being heard. We want her to grow up knowing that we are a safe place for her to land – when life feels hard and when everything’s going well.


It’s so important to us that our children understand as much about their background as we can share with them. We are fully supportive of maintaining a relationship that is as open as our child’s birth family is comfortable with. We maintain regular contact with Maggie’s birth family, and It has been a real joy to share her journey with them; we look forward to sharing the journey with a new birth family, as well. We’re so excited to get to know you!

No updates at this time


  • My legal name is Tony – not Anthony!
  • I LOVE barbecue. One of my hobbies is smoking meats as often as I can.
  • I love to cook. I wish I had time to make gourmet meals every day.
  • I enjoy working with my hands, whether that’s gardening, woodworking, or making improvements on our home.
  • I love to spend time outdoors – running, hiking, biking, or just walking.
  • One of my favorite childhood memories is of my grandfather picking me up from Kindergarten every day and taking me to buy candy or eat lunch.
  • I listen to a lot of audio books, mostly non-fiction, like memoirs and books about science and math.
  • I spent most of my childhood in the same county, but I lived in seven different locations. We moved around a lot!
  • I broke my leg in high school when a teacher fell on me!


  • I was born on the west coast of Canada, but have grown up in the U.S. (since I was 6 years old). My entire family (except my parents and my brother) still lives in Canada.
  • I’ve been playing the piano since I was 5 years old (my mom was my first teacher), and now I make a living teaching piano lessons!
  • I bought myself a guitar about 8 years ago, but I have yet to take it out and teach myself how to play it!
  • I love reading and often dream about the next time I’ll be able to settle in with a great book. When I was younger I used to devour books – sometimes finishing a book every week!
  • I’m not really much of a sports fan, but I do enjoy soccer. One year in middle school I played on a co-ed youth soccer team, but it didn’t go very well. In one game I almost made a goal for the other team!
  • I love playing board games or card games, but I must admit that I have a tendency to get a little frustrated when I don’t win.


  • Summer is my favorite season. As soon as the weather is warm, I prefer to spend ALL of my time outside. I especially like swinging on my tree swing in our backyard.
  • I LOVE water!! Whether it’s a splash pad at the playground, a pool, the beach, or just a sprinkler in the backyard, I am living my best life when I’m getting wet.
  • I’ve been on the move since the day I was born – the only time my body rests is when I’m sleeping. I’m excited to have a sibling to run around with!
  • My favorite colors are red and pink, and if those aren’t available my next choice is probably purple.
  • I love to read. My parents still help me, but I’m working on learning to write and recognize letters!


  • I’m a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, or a Toller for short. It’s a real breed, I swear!
  • I love children because they drop a lot of food on the floor!
  • My favorite activities include exploring outdoors, going on walks, and snuggling.
  • I LOVE peanut butter!!
  • I’m very respectful of people – I don’t jump, and I rarely bark.
  • I’m really excited to have a new playmate!